Warning: Those who do not want to read about Premenstrual syndrome may stop now.
I initially went in for treatment for allergies, PMS, and stress. I have severe seasonal allergies. I would have to take antihistamines daily to just get through the day. My menstrual cycle also is abnormal. I have severe cramps every month around that time. The pain has been getting worse. I had to go to the ER because I faa couple months ago because I had fainted from cramping. Recently, I have also been quite stressed out.
A week after my treatment with Dr. Leung, my period came. She advised me to avoid cold foods, which I did. I also took the herbal capsules as directed. I did not have severe cramping. The pain was a dull ache. I was able to go to school without having to depend on pain killers. This was a very good sign!
My allergies were getting worse though. I called Dr. Leung and asked what went wrong. She informed me that acupuncture directed towards seasonal allergies would not ease the symptoms immediately. Several treatments would be needed for aiding long-term ailments like cancer or allergies. I still have to decide whether or not I want to shell out more money for treatments. I could just take antihistamines for the time being. The pollen levels have been increasing lately. Maybe I could give it more time? 
Still, I was very satisfied with how acupuncture and herbal medicine has eased my menstrual pain. Mr. Cohen from Insight Wellness performed acupuncture targeted towards stress management. The next week after my treatment I felt alright. There wasn't a significant difference in my stress levels. I did notice that I wasn't as moody. I had fewer panic moments. Maybe there was a difference after all? 
All in all, I am satisfied with my Chinese medicine experience. I would recommend this to someone that has tried everything. I would also recommend Chinese medicine treatments for people who don't know where to start with their injury or ailment.                                                                                                                                                                                                        

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    My name is Vanessa Pang. I attend Cato Middle College High School. I plan on attending UNC-Chapel Hill in the fall of 2012. Traditional Chinese Medicine was my senior exit project topic.


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